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Will Personal Trainers Be Replaced by AI?

The AI Dilemma:

With the rise of AI, more jobs are becoming obsolete. Will you as a personal trainer fall victim to the relentless advance of artificial intelligence?

The good news: as of 2023, AI cannot completely replace you. The bad news: it’s trying to. Remember, we are only in the infancy stage of artificial intelligence.

In this blog, I will discuss the threat of AI and then provide you with the solution to stay relevant and thrive in this changing landscape.

Right now, what you bring to the table as a personal trainer cannot be replicated by AI. You offer a personal touch that is tailored to each one of your clients. No algorithms, just genuine human attention and fine-tuning. That's something truly unique and valuable.

But that doesn't mean that you're safe. There are already advancements using technology and AI in the fitness space and they will dramatically improve in the near future.

Take Tonal, for example. It's a home exercise apparatus that can observe and correct your form in real time while adjusting weights automatically as you get stronger. Companies like Peloton, The Mirror, and Tempo also offer live classes, coaches, and immediate feedback. These companies are a direct threat to personal trainers worldwide. Their business objective is to try to replace you.

And how far away are we to having an artificial intelligence in our home that is similar to the intelligence depicted in the movie "Her"?

AI generated image from the movie Her

This AI assistant would engage in real-time conversations, provide comprehensive answers to all our health and fitness queries, and even monitors our health data from activity trackers, offering verbal nudges throughout the day to encourage healthy choices.

Seems far-fetched? I don't think so. We already have Alexa which is mostly single prompted voice interactions but now, just place the already existing multi-turn conversation capabilities of ChatGPT inside Alexa and further improve the current state of empathy of AI and it will become a serious threat.

Let’s also not forget about a major player in almost every industry: Apple. Rumor has it that Apple is developing a health coaching service called Quartz, which will utilize AI and data from users' Apple Watches to motivate them, hold them accountable, and encourage better habits.

Regardless if artificial intelligence completely replaces traditional personal training at some point or not, the biggest take away is that it's trying to. And it will succeed at least on some level.

What can personal trainers do?

So, how can you protect yourself and remain relevant as a personal trainer? While my "Her" example may be many years away from full capabilities and widespread adoption, the answer lies in embracing that AI is here to stay, and then double down on what you uniquely offer over AI: Human connection; and even further, a community.

Human connection > Artificial intelligence

You must further focus on developing and leveraging your unique human qualities and communication skills. While AI offers convenience and automation, it can never fully replicate the human experience. And there's no better way to offer the human experience than by creating your own online community.

Humans hold each other accountable in a way that technology and AI currently can't. Accountability requires moral judgment, empathy, and an understanding of complex contexts. Technology can assist in monitoring and facilitating accountability, but it lacks the core qualities that make human accountability truly meaningful. People are accountable to other people, not to technology. That's why having your own community with real humans who keep each other accountable and supported gives you a significant advantage as a personal trainer.

Creating a niche community allows you to foster a strong sense of human connection among your clients. By bringing together individuals with shared interests and goals, you can establish a deep sense of camaraderie and support that AI can't replicate. This form of peer support and accountability goes beyond what AI can provide because it relies on human-to-human interaction, emotional bonds and a sense of belonging.

Plus, with having your own community, there are so many benefits and strategies that will directly grow your training business. I discuss these benefits and strategies in my blog post "5 Reasons Why an Online Trainer Needs a Community for Their Niche," which I highly recommend you read.

Deep down, we as humans yearn for the company of like-minded individuals. Be the medium through which your niche finds solace and support within a community, and in return, you'll safeguard your training business from an AI takeover.

If you're interested in learning exactly how to create your own community, I invite you to apply for my currently free mentorship program. In this program, I'll guide you step-by-step through the process, from where to host your community to what to include and how to market it. But please note that this free mentorship won't be available for long, so apply now!

Remember, personal trainers have something special to offer that AI can't replicate: the power of human connection. Embrace it, build your community, and together, we'll ensure that you stay relevant and thrive in the age of AI. 🦾